What is a sentence?
When we refer to the meaning of sentence, most of us automatically think in the grammatical sense, of a group of words followed by a period. However, in the criminal law context, a sentence is the penalty that is imposed by the judge. As a Brampton criminal law firm, we have extensive experience at the sentencing stage of proceedings. This stage occurs after a person has been found guilty after a trial or has voluntarily plead guilty. It is an important part of our job, as a Brampton criminal lawyer, to attend at court for the sentencing hearing.
Factors in sentence
There are many things for the judge to consider in determining the final sentence. Some of these things include the type of crime, whether there is a prior criminal record and any personal circumstances. As one of the best criminal lawyers in Brampton, we feel it is a priority to make sure that we are fully prepared for the sentencing hearing so that we can achieve the best possible outcome. Some of this preparation may include advice on doing some stuff in advance of the hearing, such as making a charitable donation, getting some sort of counseling or getting character reference letters. These things can help in minimizing the severity of the sentence. You should contact our Brampton law office because it is important to be represented by a lawyer at the time you are being sentenced. We will advise the judge on what we feel is the appropriate sentence and, the prosecutor will also have a chance to give their input. The range of sentence can be an absolute discharge, a fine, probation or even jail time. The judge will have to craft a sentence that will reflect what was given in the past for similar offences. As a top Brampton criminal lawyer, we will always do our best to make sure we obtain the best outcome for the sentence. You will also have the opportunity to address the judge at the sentence hearing, although it is not mandatory. As a defence law firm, some of our objectives are to attempt to try and obtain a sentence that does not result in a criminal record, as this may have future implications on employment and travel and, our Brampton criminal lawyers will aim to achieve this if possible. We realize that a sentencing hearing can be a very anxious and scary time, and we feel the best way to counteract this is with thorough research and preparation.