Hire our elite team of Drugs and Trafficking Defense lawyers to gain the ultimate edge in the courtroom. Hundal Law firm in Brampton is the go-to the criminal law firm which has helped numerous clients in defending against such allegations.
5. (1) No person shall traffic in a substance included in Schedule I, II, III or IV or in any substance represented or held out by that person tobe such a substance.
Possession for purpose of trafficking
(2) No person shall, for the purpose of trafficking, possess a substance included in Schedule I, II, III or IV.
Proof of the Offence
Along with the essential elements of time and date, identity and jurisdiction, the Crown must prove the elements of:
1. Possession of Substance (Knowledge, consent, control)
1. must have knowledge of the illegal nature of the substance
2. Substance is a Control Substance under the CDSA (certificate of analysis, chain of possession, amounts found)
3. the accused knew of (or held a belief as to) the nature of the substance
4. Possession of Substance was not authorized
5. The accused intended to traffick the Substance
Along with the essential elements of time and date, identity and jurisdiction, the Crown must prove the elements of:
1. Accused was trafficking in a substance
2. the substance was Schedule I to V Controlled Substance
Hundal law firm also provides consultation for other criminal matters such as Obstruction.
Call us today for a free consultation: 905-451-9100